Thursday, April 2, 2015

The feeling of winning

Everyone likes to win. Nobody likes to loose.

Winning can stimulate our brain and lymphatic system, making us feel happy, or even immersed in the happy mode.

The feeling of winning, I can say its like a drug, once you have it, it will make you addict and wanted to get more and often. If you use it wisely, don't let it to take control of you, it will be a good motive for you throughout your life. But if you overused it, it will definitely will rot your mind and tiring your body.

At the, past many people had been drive by the feeling of winning, and the most clearest can be seen is the attitude of gambling. What is worst is, whatever the person is win or loose, the feeling of so wanted to win driving him for continuous gambling, and was later brings many problems to either himself or people around him.

This feeling does actually letting people disappointed because of a small failure or lose. Like having 7As and 1C for your SPM results, many peoples will be not so happy because of that "C".

Nevertheless, the feeling of winning does give a better motivation, just we need to use it well and hold it back when something is not right.

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