Wednesday, March 25, 2015

From the moment when I left my secondary school...

It's already week 10 of my college life. Times really past so fast. From the moment I leave my secondary school, its almost half a year.

Is there anything I missed? Is there anything I were recalling?
Then I realized that, nothing's special in my mind.
What I'm doing? For the past few years in my secondary school?
What I'm remembering? For the past few years in my secondary school?
What I've done? For the past few years in my secondary school?

When I graduate, many of my classmate have their own friends to be missed, many memories to be kept. On the graduation ceremony, all of them are hugging and crying. I look at them, look at the whole hall, everything in my eyes was going in slow motion.
The only thing that I can feel.....


What have I put in to all those years in my secondary school?

Did I made a huge mistake at the past?

I think that is a truth that I always avoiding.

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