Thursday, February 26, 2015

What if I have superpowers?

Everyone has their own dream. The dream that I mentioned is not the dream to become a doctor or to do whatever, it's the dream that is extraordinary that lies in your imagination.

I always dream about having superpowers. The ability to control water, able to fly, super strength  or much more. Having superpower is more fun than the ordinary life but that is impossible.

So, if I have superpower, I wish to have superpower that I can do anything like what I'm imagining in my mind. It may sounds like the Green Lantern's power but mine is  definitely much stronger than this. For example, I imagine myself can control water, then I'll be able to control water like what I thought, but this superpower can only be apply on myself but not others.

If I really have this superpower, I won't raise like a superhero and save the day or other things else. I would just hide this power and maybe share with my friends that I can trust. I won't go and search for someone that need help, but I'll just help some peoples around me secretly.

Being a hero is much more tired that anyone can image. For an adult, daily works are already tiring you, do you have more extra energy to save peoples? The social and politics will surely noticed you if you show yourself like a greatest of the century etc.

If I have this superpower, I'll keep this as a secret, share with my true friends or family, and use this power to search for anyone alike me. For me, this is the best way since I know that I the special one :)

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