Thursday, February 12, 2015

This starts on comparism...

Many parents  always compare their children with children of others parents. They always compare how great their children  was and how great their performances and achievements were. When they had no match with others, their started to blame that their children were hard to teach. But they NEVER blame  themselves of wrong teaching method!!! They DO NOT want to admit it!!!
I am very angry at this, no matter which children of which parents they were talking about. Children are nor born in that way!!! Its all about how you educated them!!!

The way of education of my parents, sorry but I must say, its all about scolding and punishments. I hope I can take that as abuse, but the definition set by the government regarding to abuse is that it happens recently, so I can't report to police because it happens once at a time, and them surely won't admit it because it leaves no scar or bruises. I forgot the last time my father using cane to punish me or my brothers, because now what he's using is fold chair.

"Usually a violence family will come out a violence children."
This is a sentence said by a girl that I like her very much.
Really, it's very heart broken when she said that to me, but when that time, I just smile and say No La~

I always think about that, and I won't admit it because at the PAST I'm not a person like that. But recently, some of my behaviors are some getting more likely as my parents and I'm asking myself WHY?! It's really a damn SHIT GG for me because that's the one that I most can't accept in my own self. I can't have this in my very own!!!! I was very afraid that I'll do what my father do to my own children. I had promised myself I MUST not do that in the future no matter what. I don't want to let any more children face what I'm facing in in my life. It's like having something you hate very much, soooo wanted to destroyed it, and it's in your own self.

A violence family will come out a violence children.
The violence inside myself, was it already there in the very beginning?

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