Thursday, January 22, 2015

It had been a long while... 已经有一段很长的时间...

Dear blog,
It's been a long while for leaving you behind in my far off memory. I'm sorry for that, and now I'm BACK!!!!! I had created you many years ago, after I graduated from my primary school. Yup, that's a loooooooong time haha... Why I'm reopening you since nowadays there is so much of social network? University assignment of course LOL Well, I'll starting to rebuild all your layout and content for you so, prepare to be amazed!!!!((seriously??!!
=========================================================== 亲爱的部落格,
已经有一段很长的时间我把你留在了我已遗忘的记忆里。非常抱歉,而我现在回来了!!!!! 我创建这个你已经有很多年了,就在我小学毕业之后。对,那是一段很很很很很很很很很长的时间了哈哈... 为什么现在那么多社交网站而我会重开你呢? 当然是大学的作业啦LOL 那么,我会慢慢开始重新弄过你的整个架构和内容所以,期待吧!!!!((认真??!!

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