Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Avatar The Last Airbender: The Whole World

What if you are told to save the world?
What if you are told to save the world when you were a baby?
Its not like SpiderMan, just go through its own city.
Its not like IronMan, fooling around and hide in his shell.
Its not like some ordinary superhero who fighter over his personal allies and active in a fix place. Its to bear the responsibility to save tho whole world.
This is much more different than those bad guys who says: "IIf you can't defeat my I'm gonna blow your planet up."
Can you imagine how does he accept the fact of facing the firelord without mastering other 3 elements? It really need a lot of courage to accept the fate of himself when just know how to do air-bending. It's too heavy for him to bear it really because this's like facing you're a baby facing an adult. Without a great deal of support and lesson, and even a strong heart to facing all this, Aang can't even keep moving forward.
Our life is just like that. You can't even imagine how small you are, how powerless you are. Without the support of your friends and family all those years, I bet you can't even walk until now.
"Always stay strong and keep moving forward."

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