Thursday, January 29, 2015

God Of War: Love is a very powerful weapon

"Can you imagine how strong is the power of love?"
The game, God Of War, started with love.

Once, the great warrior of Sparta, Kratos wanted to have strong power and he make a deal with the gods. As a repay, he was given a task to slain all the people in a village. But the the gods had fooled Kratos and he accidently kill his own wife and daughter, which was being capture by the gods and put into the village. As he loves his family so much, he is mad and hungry for revenge and made a promise to slain all the gods of Olympus, and this was how the game started......

Love is very powerful. You can ALMOST do anything to satisfy the one you love. Being immersed in love is really happy and satisfying. It makes you feel like there is no more regret in your life. When you own it, it really brings you full of joy.

"But what happen when you lost it?"
Love is a positive power, but it's also a negative power. The lost of your beloved ones will put you into a depressing mood. If you had a wrong thought in your mind at that time,  some dangerous thing will happen. For example, if you study just because you had made a promise with your girlfriend and make it as a very important thing in your life, what will happen if she leaves you? Can you still continue to study as normal?

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." -- Mother Teresa
"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy to a friend." -- Martin Luther King Jr. 

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