Thursday, September 8, 2016

3D Animation Done!!!!

I've done my 3D animation Final Assignment !!!!
I am satisfy with my out come,
But I hope i can do even more and lengthen it~~~
So here is my Project~~~

Monday, August 29, 2016

Almost Done

A bit busy on handling orders from customers ((what is that is better not to know

But anyway its finally 800!!!!

Actually if I can 100% concentrate without any distraction, I can get the rest of 100 frames be done orz

Hope It wont be too late to render

No camera and texture yet orz
Hope can be all done by tomorrow

Friday, August 26, 2016

Update for this WEEK !!!

Hi this is my update for this week ~~~~

Still struggling for the animation damn zzz...

For at least 2 days I didn't touch this things OMG

Too much final assignment need to be done, I try to finish them in one day to get more time to do + polish this 3D animation

But still, if concentrate to do this, I can finish 300 frames in an afternoon~~~

This animation involved too much of stretching of limbs, making my body(da flesh) look weird orz

Monday, August 15, 2016

Change of plan

After doing the previous plan, I realize that its too SHOOORT!!!!
So, I add more action and block to extent the time.

30 sec was quiet hard, if I wanna get A

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Successfully done the double Overhead Spinning !!!!
Looks smooth though...

But still, gonna let the lecture see it first.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Finally the Final

Now having the final of 3D Animation II: 30 sec of animation

I had my idea based on the American Warrior, a obstacle game tv show.

But recently I changed my plan and the idea to parkour because IT IS COOLER

This is my design for the run scene.

I want to get A soooo much,
so hope I can get it :)